Regular weekly training offers 2023
(Note table does not display correctly on mobile!)
Division of swimming training:
Gr.1 are the very experienced
Gr.2 are the advanced ones
Gr.3 are easy/unpracticed
Gr.4 are beginners
Seasonal/weekly schedule availableher
Swimming training
We offer a swimming coachall days of the week, however depending on level.
It is our clear position thateveryone can learn to swim - regardless of starting level.
As a brand new swimmer, you can swim with group 4, and especially on Sundays from 2-3pm there is a special focus on this group. Likewise, Thursday at 20-21 with a large technical focus for gr.4.
We also have several offers for you who are already skilled swimmers, where you have the opportunity to participate in training every day of the week. Especially on Wednesdays, there is a special focus on this group, where the coach primarily focuses on error correction etc. at this group.
Remember to check the table at the top of this page for current swimming times and adjustments

English version - swim session structure

Ready for swimming10 minutes before the startwhere the coach reviews the program
Keep a distance from the swimmer in front -as a general rule 10 sec
You swim according to the program and follow the intensities prescribed by the program
If you are in doubt about which team you belong to, ask the swimming coaches
TuesdayandThursdaycan those who have participated in running training/trail training participate in the team at 20-21regardless of level (except gr.4)
*Wednesday morning swim: The swimming training is primarily for Gr.1+2. We have two coaches. One for the elite team and one for AG. However, the training is primarily reserved for gr.1+2, i.e. in the event of a lack of space, these groups will be prioritized.
**Thursday training 14-15: The coach is there for the elite and width-exercise therefore swims itself according to its own program or according to the elite program.
Entrance to the swimming pool:
Download or bring a printout of your swim confirmation email (or triathlon membership employment) to each practice. Show this at the counter at the entrance to the changing room
We make continuous checks at the week's swimming training to make sure that all members who participate in the week's swimming pass have paid
On Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, you cannot use the main entrance to the swimming stadium - Here you must enter viathe back door
During the summer period, there is an Openwater trainer everySaturday from 08:30 to 10:15 at Ballehage
The open water training starts on 30/5. It is possible to change clothes out there and to have your things locked inside, as we lend a key to the clubhouse out there (currently NOT possible to access the clubhouse due to COVID).
When we swim OW, it is important to pay extra attention to safety. This means that we will do the following for training sessions:
- Require that a wetsuit be used
- Require participants to bring a colorful bathing cap (so you are easier to see)
- Everyone is divided into buddy pairs/smaller groups according to level so we keep an eye on each other (in addition to the trainers keeping an eye)
- Reviews arm signals for calls for help
- Require participants to stop training if they feel discomfort
- There is swimming close to the coast
- Feel free to swim with a monkfish
- The balance nerve is affected by cold water. Therefore, using earplugs/cotton wool in the ears can be helpful.
We follow the guidelines for open water swimming and safety in accordance with recommendations from the Danish Triathlon Federation and the Danish Swimming Union which can be foundhere.

Running training
There is running training every dayTuesday at 17:45and trail running Thursday at 18:00.
The training is organized soeveryone can join, regardless of level.
The training is divided as follows:
Warm-up: We start with a short warm-up for approx. pace 6:00 min/km,
Technique training
Interval/Run: Mdifferent to choose between different programs: cards or long program with built-in intervals or leisurely ride.
Tuesday: At our clubhouse -> Observatoriestien 1, 8000.
The training is on asphalt/trails/track.
No possibility to shower after training.
Thursday: Clubhouse - Meeting dressed up.
The training is trail running, i.e. training in the forest on and off trails and in hilly terrain.
No possibility to shower after training.
Questions about the training or the training program can be directed toTorben
Cycling training
We offer a total of 3 (2 in the winter) weekly cycle passes per week. Sunday (long trip), Wednesday (short trip) and Saturday (MTB).
Our cycling passes are always programmed, and there will always be at least 1 trainer/cycling partner for each training session.
Sunday cycling
We go cycling. Start at 09.00 from the cycle track. Duration 2-4 hours.
Wednesday cycling
Short and more intensive training sessions. Start at 17.30, from the cycle lane. Runs only during the summer, starting from April. Duration: approx. 2 hours.
Saturday cycling
MTB - technical and physical training. Start at 9.00 from the clubhouse. Duration approx. 2 hours (read more under Cross training below)
With three weekly cycle passes wwe agree that, in principle, you can cover your cycling training with club training. But we often see that plans are made for joint trips via our Facebook group on other days of the week.
Group division:
To ensure that everyone is involved, that everyone is positively challenged and has a good training, we often divide the cycling squad into 2 or 3 groups depending on level.
Group 1: Elite men/women and strong age groupers men/women
Group 2: Men and women with some cycling experience and a reasonable cycling level.
Group 3: Beginners men and women.
There will often be a difference in level in the groups, but this is adjusted naturally during the training.
#everyone can have a moderate level of experience
Training program for June can be seenHERE
Link to periodization for the season week 45 2019 -> week 45 2020 HERE
We have also collected some of our frequently used cycle routes under "NICE TO KNOW"
General guidelines for cycling training:
We attach great importance to all athletes complying the traffic rules and that the bike meets the legal requirements for racing bikes (helmet, bike in good condition, well-functioning brakes)
It is expected that you bring what you need to complete the entire trip (ie extra tubes, tire irons and a pump/CO2 as well as energy to last the whole way)
In winter, you must have full fenders (long version that go almost down to the road) at the back, and drive with tire inserts
Everyone has to come along the whole way, both out and home. In the event of a puncture, the group agrees on whether to wait, turn around or not. you yourself follow suit
We expect that our members have read the program from home (Facebook or website) and that if a new route is driven, this is studied from home; That is know it roughly.
Group driving
How do you actually cycle in a group?
These 3 videos show how to cycle in different formations in a group.
Roll change:
We typically use roll changes when running intervals in a smaller group of 3-6 people.
Parade driving:
We typically use parade driving when driving longer trips and during warm-up/unwinding etc. break in intervals. How long it takes between 'shifts' can vary and if you don't have enough time for leads, you just skip it.
Row cycling:
We use row cycling when we cycle on smaller roads or generally in situations where we don't have to/can't 'fill' too much and sit 2+2 next to each other (as in parade driving).
As a starting point, we never drive more than 8-10 people per day. group and never more than 2 next to each other (you never take up more than 2/3 of the road) - for safety reasons in relation to oncoming traffic etc.
If members do NOT follow the club program, but still ride in a group - tell the coach that you ride something else! Also, DO NOT lead in a group if you do not follow the program and the intensities that are planned!
Think about what your actions mean for the rest of the group - e.g. Do I expose others to danger or spoil their training (e.g. overtaking, not complying with intensities, wheeling, accelerating uphill, driving too strong through turns etc...)?
Cycling culture: welcome constructive criticism. The only way we learn is by asking or being told. Therefore, it is important to accept constructive criticism from other members and especially bike captains!
If members are in doubt about the group division (level), they can always ask a captain - remember to be realistic about your level, so you don't end up in a too fast or too slow group.
You ride in the group where you have the opportunity to contribute. Thus, you do not "hang" on gr.1/2, if you do not have the actual level to also take guides here.
Bike captains:
We aim for each cycle training to have a cycle captain/coach present during training.
We have bike captains for training to ensure:
That there is always someone to present the day's program and instruct.
Appropriate and safe driving
That everyone feels welcome at our trainings - We value that all levels can participate

Personal swimming training
We also offerpersonal swimming lessonsby our head coach Torben Rokkedal Lausch.
This is an additional offer for triathletes who wish to have a detailed swimming analysis of their technique prepared.
You can buy either 30 minutes or 1 hour of personal swimming lessons.
For further information, contactTorben.