Results of Aarhus 1900 Triathlon members
Danish Championships - Updated Jan 2020
European and Nordic championships - Updated Jan 2020
World Championships - Updated Jan 2020
Iron man

Rain of medals for DM sprint
There was rain of medals for the Aarhus 1900 Triathlon at the DM in sprint (750-20-5) which was held on Saturday 20 May at Bastrup Sø, Ganløse. Pernille Thalund became Danish champion, while it became both silver and bronze for the men for the DM team (6 men in the top 15 (32 completed) is historically great!) .
- Pernille Thalund became Danish champion among the elite
- Oliver Korfitsen was the best men's elite with his 6th place
- Kristian Broløs was No. 3 in the U23 elite
- Andreas Nørgaard was no. 3 in men's junior elite
- In the team competition, the men won both silver and bronze with 6 men in the top 15!
- Gustav Røn won in the 12-13 year old group
- Lavra Havgaard was No. 2 for the 16-17 year olds

Søren Bystrup wins the EC
Søren Bystrup has many times come close to winning a championship medal of the finest carat, so it was a great redemption when he finally succeeded, and even on home soil.
Søren Bystrup says: ”this is huge for me. I have won 6 medals at major championships in the past, but never a gold one. To do it this way, in front of family and friends and in a close sprint with the defending champion, Felix, it couldn't be more perfect.”
An exciting showdown between Bystrup, Felix Köhler (GER) and Seppe Odeyn (BEL) was planned in advance, and it ended up being Bystrup and Köhler who fought for the European Championship on the run-up.
In the first 10km race, the race was really strong, and it was Danish Kasper Lauman (Tri4) who ensured that a split was created with the fastest running time of 31.05. Simon Jørn Hansen (KTK86) was just behind in 31.11 together with Köhler, while Bystrup was somewhat behind in 31.44.
Bystrup quickly made contact with the front group on the 60km hilly cycling. Simon Jørn was also in this group, while Lauman was removed.
At 35km, Bystrup launched an attack on the Østengård hill and the result was that he and the Dutchman De Groot had a lead in T2 of 1.00min down to a larger group including Simon Jørn Hansen.
In the final 10km race, there was excitement right to the end. Köhler and Simon Jørn Hansen came strongly from behind and it was first in the last meters that Bystrup was absolutely sure that the gold was at home. Simon Jørn Hansen ran home to a nice bronze medal and ensured a double Dane on the podium.

Kristian Høgenhaug runs 8:11:49 to Texas IM
Beneath follows a description of Kristian's race:
Swim was non-wetsuit so the 54:55 was as expected! 2:30 min behind the later winner Matt Hanson and 6 minutes from the front.
Kristian did 279W -> normalized 286W (we know his Vector 3 measures 15 watts below the "golden standard" SRM ergometer) on the 176.5km bike leg.
Average km/h was 42.2 vs. 42.5 in Almere (275W) where he posted a race bike record!
Unfortunately the 2:30min time deficit to Hanson on the swim, meant that the big bike group was gone! Conditions for a fast bike were perfect but a lot more guys than expected still posted very fast bike-splits (even despite the shortened bike). So how could this be?
1) The 12m of draft-rule does mean that even if you are 12m behind, you will still get a benefit of drafting in a big group (if we want the ironman to be a solo challenge a 20m rule should be the standard in most races -> at least for the pros!).
2) Rumors are that many did not have the same standards (and morals) as to the 12m as Kristian.
3) Supposedly, there was a lack of referees in total that day (some did not show up!) and the pro's were told at the race briefing that refereeing would be minimal for the second loop on the bike!?.
4) When Kristian caught up with the first small groups and realized they were on his wheels, he decided to hold back a little on his bike pace...
Further, after 5km on the bike Kristian lost the bottle with all his energy. The result is to go with as much energy as possible from the aid stations, but with difficulties in getting as much as planned (Kristian normally consumes 100-110 g carbs/h).
On the run, the heat and the deficit in energy intake (vs. planned) on the bike meant that he slowed down a bit towards the end. Still posting 2:59:34 (GPS data is 41.67km - 2:57:48, probably started it a bit late).
Total time 8:11:49 is very satisfying under the circumstances! Kristian did very well to stay in the race and keep fighting, keeping a cool head despite losing energy and not being in the position he had hoped! A lot of valuable lessons learned and kicking off the season with an early ironman will be a big advantage for the coming races!
Even more top performances in Aarhus and Almere
Kristian Høgenhaug made a fantastic performance in Almere for the EC long distance when he drove in as the 4th fastest Dane ever at the Ironman distance in a time of 8:08:40. At the same time, it reached fourth place at the EC! Thoroughly excellent performance.
In Ruegen, Pernille Thalund was also a really nice no. 4 in her debut in the elite field for 70.3 ironman in the time 4h 28min 41s.
For the DM team, the 1900 girls collect the gold, but unfortunately without any kind of competition. We hope that someone dares to challenge them next year. The 1900 boys do their best, but have to for the second weekend in move look beaten on the finish line, a paltry 6 sec. from the bronze and 58 sec. from the gold. Next year! On the youth side, we can mention the girls from 1900 Tri - Alligators, who wins silver for DM team for aspirant B. Well done!
There was also full speed over the field for the DM team, KMD 5150 and 4-18-4 in Århus at the weekend. At the Olympic distance, Jens Kristian Østergaard runs with the victory in a time of 2:05:12, while Maria Berggren and Henrik Tiedemann are no. 2 in each of their AG. For 4-18-4, Thomas Gedsig Nielsen runs with the gold, while Thomas Rind Carstensen is 3's. Gitta Walsted and Christian Aarosin become No. 2 in each of their AG.

Big triathlon weekend in Fredericia
What a weekend for the Aarhus 1900 Triathlon! Many of our triathletes were on fire in Fredericia, and it resulted in many great performances. Ole Hemme does "the triple" and delivers all good times 3. At Saturday's sprint he will be the best 1900 triathlete with an 8th place in the DM TRI series and an 11th place for the NM. On Sunday, he will become Nordic Champion at the Olympic distance, after which he will also make a fine appearance at the DM Mix relay. On the women's side, Pernille Thalund gets a nice 8th place at the NM in the sprint distance. Birger Frederiksen also stands for a NM title, as he wins his AG 60-64 at the Olympic distance while Mathilde Pugholm and Charlotte Berner both finish in 2nd place in each of their AG._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_In the DM TRI series, Charlotte Berner also takes home a nice gold medal, while club chairman Thomas Knudsen collects a nice 3rd place.
On the youth side, we can mention Andreas Kjær and Beathe Gejl, who will both be 2nd at the NM and Andreas Nørgaard, who will run with 3rd place at the DM for juniors.
For the DM Mix relay, a phenomenal sprint battle for the bronze medals ends with a 4th place for Andreas Nørgaard, Pernille Thalund and Kristian Broløs. For the aspirants, it will be silver for Andreas Kjær, Beathe Gejl and Simon Lund🥈Huge congratulations to everyone...even those who are not mentioned by name

Ironman Copenhagen 2017
Big congratulations to all the newly selected ironmen and women from Aarhus 1900 Triathlon who completed KMD IRONMAN Copenhagen 2017 yesterday. Among the many great results we can mention, among others, Jesper Jensen, who was today's fastest 1900 triathlete and no. 5 in his AG (9:06:18), Jens Kristian Østergaard, who was the first man out of the water after just 48 min. and 27 sec. (09:37:36) and Stine Bruunshøj Nielsen, who was today's fastest female 1900 triathlete and No. 10 in her AG (10:37:43). Also thanks to everyone who made the trip to Copenhagen to cheer on our cool club mates

Aalborg Triathlon d.9 July
Lots of happy club members participated in the weekend in Aalborg Triathlon. Jens Østergaard won the 1/2 IM distance with a great time in 4:06:32 after leading the race from start to finish! Anna Pedersen and Christian Stounberg were second in 18-39 at the 1/4 distance, while Bianca Ohlsen was no. 3 in 40-44 at the same distance.

Jels Triathlon on 18 June
Aarhus 1900 Triathlon was strongly represented at the Jels Triathlon at the 1/2IM distance where we took the entire podium for the men! Nikolaj Rud won ahead of brother Simon Rud and teammate Jesper Jensen.

DM at the middle distance 25/6
The DM at the middle distance was a fantastic day for Aarhus 1900 Triathlon. Morten Brammer Olesen hit the day and won the Danish championship, while Birgitte Krogsgaard was 2nd among the women while Kristian Høgenhaug was 3rd after having led the field for large parts of the race. Kristian Hindkjær finished 5th and with that he completed a day where Aarhus 1900 Triathlon once again showed that they have a fantastic breadth on the elite front. Congratulations to all the performers!

On 19/6, the Stilling minitri was run!
As the above picture shows, many Aarhus 1900 Triathletes turned up to show the club colors and have a nice day for Stilling minitri 4-18-4. The club's youth section "1900tri - Alligators" showed up in large numbers and gave it gas! The youngest (up to 10 years) drove a shorter distance while the oldest participated in the 4-18-4 event. They did so well that Anna Harbo (pictured right) won the women's race while elite athlete Ole Hemme won the men's race! The cake after the event was also excellent, and a big thank you must go to Frank Skaaning for organizing the event!

On 10/6, the middle distance European championships were run in Herning!
The club's elite division had an excellent day at the official European Middle Distance Championships in Herning. Kristian Høgenhaug (pictured right) was best placed with a very nice fifth place, while Morten Brammer and Birgitte Krogsgaard (pictured right) were respectively no. 9 and 6. Birgitte even despite a puncture that cost a lot of time!

Aarhus 1900 Triathlon was well represented at today's DM Sprint in Ganløse. For the ladies, we took both gold and bronze. For the men, there were good performances across the board and it bodes very well for the upcoming competitions of the season. Our breadth resulted in a nice silver medal in the team competition
The individual results were as follows:
5.: Oliver Korfitsen 1.03.18 (DM HOLD SILVER)
6.: Kristian Broløs Damgaard 1.03.34 (DM HOLD SILVER)
7.: Morten Brammer Olesen 1.03.38 (DM KEEP SLEEPING)
17.: Ole Hemme Hansen 1.05.21
26.: Christian Stoneberg 1.06.33
1.Line Thams 1:08:28 (DM GOLD)
3. Pernille Thalund Jensen 1.09.28 (DM BRONZE)

Aarhus 1900 Triathlon ran with all the places on the podium for Jels Duathlon! Kristian Høgenhaug (in the middle) was the fastest man ahead of Mathias Vangsøe (left) and Christian Stounberg (right).