Aarhus 1900Tri - Youth+
Youth athletes who are motivated to develop further than is possible with training three times a week have the option of extra sparring with the youth head coach. Here, the practitioner gets help to structure his training week so that it is possible to followTriathlon Denmark's development stagetowards elite senior level (19+).
Practitioners who are interested in this are assessed as to whether they are suitable on the basis of their courage, will and determination. Thus, there will in no way be a requirement for the young person to be able to cope with specific "demanding times", but rather, on the contrary, the focus will be solely on whether they have the desire and will to train more and to become a better triathlete._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_
There is an expectation that youth + follow specific guidelines for training volume and number of training sessions during the week. These are based on Triathlon Denmark's age-related training concept.
Click here to see how much youth+ athletes are recommended to train in the different age groups.
Ungdoms+ practitioners keep a training diary in the appTrainingPeaks. Here they will also be able to find their weekly training programme. If the athlete moves up into the age group youth 16-17 years, the personal training will be a voluntary option for the ambitious athlete and involve personal payment.See the list here.If the athlete opts out of personal training, the general framework plan in the form of club training is followed. The athlete will still have the opportunity to spar with the coach in daily training.
The training for youth+ athletes is based on the three weekly training days in Aarhus 1900 Tri Ungdom. Swimming and running training on Monday. Swimming and dryland training on Wednesday and cross training on Saturday. The training they do in addition to this will take place at other times, but the first priority will always be to get the young people to train together with other young people. This could be, for example, running with AGF Youth Athletics on Thursdays, taking part in swimming training with AGF Swimming or swimming with the senior section. However, the Youth+ athlete must always expect to have some self-training in the form of running and cycling training in their weekly program.
Ungdoms+ athletes have the opportunity to apply for ESAA classes either in 8.-10. class in primary school or when they start secondary education. This will entail twice weekly morning training in the swimming pool from 07.30-09.00 as well as a monthly training with the elite team and a lot of other benefits in the form of guidance towards a possible elite career. Aarhus 1900 Triathlon recommends all ambitious youth athletes to apply for this offer.
Read more about ESAAhere.