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Welcome to 1900Tri - Youth 
You are always welcome to a free trial training - with us everyone can join. 


1900 Tri - Youth er Aarhus 1900 Triathlon department for boys and girls Age13-19 years, who has the courage and desire for triathlon 

We offer lots of fun, social and challenging training. We greatly appreciate that our members become part of a club community with shared experiences and where our members feel at home. 

With us there isno requirements for special equipment or physical ability. Our training is characterized by play, curiosity, creativity and desire. We believe that the desire for training is fundamental for optimal sporting and social development.   

It is our goal that there should be one on the children's and youth teamgood social cohesion, at the same time that we prioritize personal development. We differentiate the training according to different ages and different levels. Young people with special talent and courage will be offered extra training in the form of clubsthe youth+ offer.   
The training will be aimed at the members taking part in short distance triathlons.

We stayed at the beginning of 2016youth certified by the Danish Triathlon Association,and thus have proof that we can and are ready to welcome the youngest athletes and that we have a good youth environment.

The certification was established as a main goal to strengthen the youth environment in the Danish triathlon clubs, and as a tool to get new, young members into the clubs.

Aarhus 1900 Triathlon is the second club in Denmark to receive youth certification. 

Link to facebook group for current members and their parents

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Training offer for 1900Tri - Youth

Monday: Swimming and running training:

Swimming equipment: 

  • You MUST use swimwear and swimming goggles, a colored swimming cap and a wetsuit 

Running equipment 

  • You MUST use running shoes, sports clothing suitable for the weather, reflective vest or similar in winter 

  • Time: at 15.45-18.30

  • Place: Søndervangsskolen

  • Ready to jump in the water at 4 p.m. We swim for an hour. Afterwards, 15 min changing and a break. Remember a snack with sugar content. 

  • At 17.15-18.30: 1 hour run outside

Wednesday: Swimming and running training: 

Swimming equipment:

  • You MUST use swimming clothes and swimming goggles 

  • We RECOMMEND fins, finger paddles and pull buoys

Equipment for dryland:​

  • Indoor sportswear 

  • Time: at 15.45-18.00

  • Place: Søndervangsskolen, Viby

  • Ready to jump in the water at 4 p.m. We swim for an hour. Afterwards, 30 min change of clothes and break. Ends with 30 min running training  

Saturday: Cross training:

Bicycle equipment: 

Read here which equipment you needuse.

It is possible to rent a racing bike from the club for a limited period.

  • Time: at 09.50-12.30

  • Location: Klubhuset, Observatoriestien 1, Aarhus C

  • Cycling and running, although the primary focus is on cycling – The training ends with a joint lunch from 12.00

There is also the possibility of extra training for the elderly, as well as for young people with good prerequisites. 
Read more about this offerhere. 

There is an opportunity to train with senior divisions, AGF Swimming and AGF Athletics. 




Youth head coach

Marian Just Borsinski


Phone: 22454511

Marian is youth head coach at the club and talent manager at Triathlon Denmark. He has a master's degree in sports and health and is responsible for running all of the week's training sessions. Marian is also the primary contact for all UngdomPlus athletes.

Youth coach

Ingrid Kyed Jensen

Ingrid is our swimming coach on Wednesdays together with Marian. Ingrid is also mainly responsible for the swimming school at the club.   

Ingrid has a club coach 1 degree. 


Youth coach

Anna Harbo

Anna trains herself in the senior division and has previously been part of the youth team. Anna is primarily responsible for Saturday training together with Marian. 

Anna has a club coach 1 degree. 



Youth coach

Beathe Gejl

Beathe has himself been a youth triathlete and is especially a technically skilled running coach. Beathe meets you primarily for swimming and running training on Monday.  

Beathe has the DIF 1 training course. 


Youth coach

Andras Kjær 

Andreas himself has trained in the youth department and raced triathlons at an elite level. He specializes in cycling and cross-training on Saturdays.




Noah Brendholdt


​​​Noah er en af ungdomsafdelingens faste lørdagscykeltrænere. 

Noah har taget Triatlon Danmarks Tri1 bassinsvømning og løbemoduler. 

Kontingent bogu

Quota - 1900Tri - Youth 

Age: 10-11 years:

NOK NOK 520 / Half-yearly

Age: 12-17 years:

NOK NOK 575 / Half-yearly

Age: 18-19 years:

NOK NOK 880 / Half-yearly

ungdom plus

1900 Tri - Youth's partners in 2023

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Kongsvang is a service company that provides cleaning services to public and private companies. With passion and integrity, we deliver a clean whole to our customers.

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LUMA Consult ApS yder sparring og ledelsesrådgivning, primært til ejerledede virksomheder og selvejende institutioner (skoler mv).

Det faglige fundament er mangeårigt virke som statsautoriseret revisor og bestyrelseserfaring fra pengeinstitutter. Det geografiske område er primært Kronjylland og Aarhus.

All sponsorshas donated an amount of money to the youth department, which will be used for a t-shirt and training camp. All sponsors get on our club clothes, and thus have exposure throughout the season all over Denmark, to the country's many triathlon events.

THANK YOU for supporting us!


We have a formalized ESAA collaboration for students in elementary school and secondary education. 

ESAA students are offered tri-specific morning training on Tuesday and Thursday. The training is primarily handled by youth head coach at Aarhus 1900 Triathlon, Marian Just Borsinski. Marian is trained at a high coaching level and the training is therefore prepared with a great professional background, and with a primary focus on inner motivation, quality training and social cohesion in an otherwise individual sport.

The focus is on the majority of students having club training again later in the day, whereby both the intensity and amount are adapted to age and level.

Read more about the ESAA offer via the following link: 

  • Facebook - White Circle
  • Instagram - White Circle
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